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Results by Class¹Run 1 Start List
USCSA Southeast Massanutten GS Ski Men - Single Course, Combined of 2 runs (first 2 if more than 2)
USA - VA - Massanutten Resort
2/18/2024 9:00 AM

Team Results¹print

                         USCSA Team Scoring  2/18/2024                    Page 1 
USCSA Southeast Massanutten GS Ski Men  
Best three `A` team member`s combined times make up a team`s total time.  
If needed ghost times of 1:11.41 will be used.  
Team : UVA 
Total Time : 2:11.20 Rank : 1st 6 Place Points 
Bib Class Name Run 1 Run 2 Result Used 
120 A Jack Allison 21.41 (2) 22.11 (2) 43.52 (1) (1) * 
118 A Thomas Johnson 21.63 (3) 21.90 (1) 43.53 (2) (2) * 
119 A Tyler Jensen 21.93 (5) 22.22 (3) 44.15 (3) (3) * 
121 A Gunnar DeSantis 22.24 (7) 22.80 (5) 45.04 (6) (6)  
122 A Austin Chinn 23.36 (12 23.52 (10 46.88 (10)(10) 
124 A Chance Rose 25.13 (16 25.10 (16 50.23 (15)(15) 
123 A Thomas Isberg 25.66 (18 24.64 (14 50.30 (16)(16) 
126 A Alan Gray 28.58 (32 27.59 (26 56.17 (29)(29) 
127 A Nicholas Gamolin 27.96 (30 29.09 (34 57.05 (31)(31) 
125 A Bradley Babitch 23.72 (13 DNF  
Team : VT 
Total Time : 2:15.99 Rank : 2nd 22 Place Points 
Bib Class Name Run 1 Run 2 Result Used 
153 A Pierce Hamlin 21.17 (1) 23.12 (9) 44.29 (5) (5) * 
154 A Jacob Wierer 22.77 (8) 22.90 (6) 45.67 (8) (8) * 
156 A Sebastian Franks 23.00 (10 23.03 (8) 46.03 (9) (9) * 
155 A Ethan Burt 22.95 (9) 24.10 (11 47.05 (11)(11) 
158 A Mark Minsch 26.34 (23 26.13 (20 52.47 (19)(19) 
157 A Brian Blauman DNF 25.87 (19  
Team : APSU 
Total Time : 2:20.89 Rank : 3rd 32 Place Points 
Bib Class Name Run 1 Run 2 Result Used 
22 A Will Spradling 22.06 (6) 22.99 (7) 45.05 (7) (7) * 
20 A Leif Nyland 23.08 (11 24.14 (12 47.22 (12)(12)* 
12 A Matthew Bonetto 24.06 (14 24.56 (13 48.62 (13)(13)* 
23 A Nolan Walls 26.16 (21 26.89 (23 53.05 (21)(21) 
19 A Max Mathues 26.33 (22 27.17 (24 53.50 (22)(22) 
24 A Seth Washburn 28.04 (31 28.46 (30 56.50 (30)(30) 
14 A Reid Coleman 29.12 (35 30.26 (40 59.38 (37)(36) 
16 A Spencer Henry 30.19 (40 29.97 (38 1:00.16 (38)(37) 
17 A Andrew Lee 31.46 (43 32.32 (46 1:03.78 (42)(39) 
2 A Bennett Zug 31.81 (46 33.09 (47 1:04.90 (46)(42) 
Ski Club Software from 2/18/2024 5:18:50 PM 

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