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results by class¹
SMAA SL - Single Course, Combined of 2 runs (first 2 if more than 2)
USA - ME - Pleasant Mountain
1/27/2023 5:30 PM

team results¹print

                           MI Team Scoring  1/27/2023                     Page 1 
Cheverus, Falmouth, Gorham, Kennebunk, Westbrook  
Mashwood, Traip, York, Windham, Scarborough  
Current Class : F  
Team : FAL Total Points : 18.0 Rank : 1st 
Bib Class Name Run 1 Run 2 Result Points Used 
18 F Celia Geci 52.42 (3) 56.92 (5) 1:49.34 (2) 2 * 
2 F Bridget Jacobsen 54.04 (5) 55.50 (2) 1:49.54 (3) 3 * 
10 F Margo Hesson 53.91 (4) 56.49 (3) 1:50.40 (4) 4 * 
40 F Sadie Kramer 1:00.91 (11 1:03.42 (9) 2:04.33 (9) 9 * 
32 F Kate Swallow 1:02.32 (13 1:05.87 (12 2:08.19 (12) 12 
26 F Patty Riley 1:02.42 (14 1:06.20 (13 2:08.62 (13) 13 
43 F Regan Swallow 1:04.67 (16 1:07.13 (14 2:11.80 (14) 14 
36 F Calia Browne 1:04.49 (15 1:08.88 (18 2:13.37 (16) 16 
Team : MARSH Total Points : 45.0 Rank : 2nd 
Bib Class Name Run 1 Run 2 Result Points Used 
6 F Hadley Prewitt 49.29 (1) 53.68 (1) 1:42.97 (1) 1 * 
14 F Lydia Phipps 54.31 (6) 1:00.27 (7) 1:54.58 (7) 7 * 
35 F Olivia Drake 1:06.63 (20 1:09.02 (19 2:15.65 (18) 18 * 
29 F Sarah McClellan 1:07.73 (21 1:09.37 (20 2:17.10 (19) 19 * 
42 F Bridget Schontag 1:12.21 (24 1:22.13 (30 2:34.34 (28) 28 
39 F Rowan Waddell 1:19.43 (33 1:15.83 (28 2:35.26 (29) 29 
51 F Hannah Doran 1:24.61 (35 1:27.39 (36 2:52.00 (34) 34 
45 F Anni Oberg 1:27.74 (39 1:25.97 (35 2:53.71 (35) 35 
48 F Kaydence Wilder 1:25.40 (38 1:32.52 (37 2:57.92 (36) 36 
22 F Maeve Long 50.70 (2) DNF 44 
Team : WIN Total Points : 65.0 Rank : 3rd 
Bib Class Name Run 1 Run 2 Result Points Used 
8 F Lily McLean 59.74 (10 1:05.31 (11 2:05.05 (10) 10 * 
16 F Grace Paiement 1:04.80 (17 1:07.35 (16 2:12.15 (15) 15 * 
24 F Annie Jackson 1:05.09 (18 1:08.69 (17 2:13.78 (17) 17 * 
31 F Anna Lane 1:12.42 (25 1:11.06 (21 2:23.48 (23) 23 * 
Team : CHEV Total Points : 89.0 Rank : 4th 
Bib Class Name Run 1 Run 2 Result Points Used 
1 F Maddy Marcisso 54.87 (7) 59.33 (6) 1:54.20 (6) 6 * 
9 F Aggie LaMontagne 1:00.92 (12 1:05.15 (10 2:06.07 (11) 11 * 
17 F Olivia McCartney 1:17.90 (32 1:22.70 (31 2:40.60 (31) 31 * 
25 F Grace Vardis 1:41.46 (42 1:38.52 (40 3:19.98 (41) 41 * 
Ski Club Software from 1/27/2023 8:24:47 PM 

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