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WV Night League - YES WE"RE RACING, Kayla said we have to be out of the bar by 9!!!
USA - NH - Waterville Valley
2/3/2022 12:00 AM
Last call at bar 8:30 PM!!!

Team Results¹print

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Waterville Valley (26)  
WV Night League 2-3-22  
Pacesetters : Orange Reimer Bryan (c Time: 22.67 H/C: 11.22 Par: 20.38 
Green Reimer Bryan (c Time: 22.54 H/C: 11.22 Par: 20.26 
58 Matt Crowe 27 M DNS 
45 Steve Curry 63 M DNS 
52 Matt Cyr ? M DNS 
75 Fred Debates 45 M DNS 
53 Alex Dewinter ? M DNS 
25 Rob Dresser 31 M DNS 
51 Jp Fine 47 M DNS 
66 Will Fine 17 M DNS 
78 Colby Flaim 13 M DNS 
29 James P Fox 19 M DNS 
77 Matt Gosselin 39 M DNS 
3 Bill C Harrington 46 M DNS 
56 Louie S Harringto 14 M DNS 
62 Will C Harrington 16 M DNS 
4 Ned Harris 49 M DNS 
28 Andrew Howe ? M DNS 
14 Steven Larkin 36 M DNS 
57 Giovanni Lazzari 22 M DNS 
30 Robbie McKersey 19 M DNS 
76 CJ Miller 34 M DNS 
69 Zachary F Mongeau 18 M DNS 
46 Kevin O`Shea 45 M DNS 
67 Clair O`shea 11 F DNS 
50 Janet S Osterlind 51 F DNS 
1 Casey J Piche 46 M DNS 
33 Tracy Reimer 50 F DNS 
34 Paul S Ricotta 50 M DNS 
24 Ben Rogan 50 M DNS 
79 Brooke Schemmel 12 F DNS 
8 Hans Schemmel 51 M DNS 
16 Paul Sirignano 43 M DNS 
65 Luke Skillings 12 M DNS 
54 Dario Sljuka ? M DNS 
40 Brennan Smith 30 M DNS 
36 Justin A Sperry 30 M DNS 
49 Sam Sullivan ? M DNS 
55 Sean Tole 50 M DNS 
5 Cedric Tonello 47 M DNS 
72 Justin Turner 20 M DNS 
Team : `Indie` No finishers in team 
Bib Name Team Age Sex Cl.Disc. Time H/C TmPts 
98 Ivan Carlson Indie 27 M DNS 
80 Eric Kraieski Indie 62 M DNS 
Official results and ranking at 2/3/2022 7:21:53 PM 
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