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WV Night League r9
USA - NH - Waterville Valley
3/10/2022 12:00 AM

Team Results¹print

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Waterville Valley (26)  
WV Night League r9 3-10-22  
Pacesetters : Orange Reimer Bryan (s Time: 19.68 H/C: 8.47 Par: 18.14 
Green Reimer Bryan (s Time: 19.51 H/C: 8.47 Par: 17.98 
26 Leonard Kwan Out To Pasture 37 M DNS 
57 Giovanni Lazzari Out To Pasture 22 M DNS 
85 Patrick Lazzari Out To Pasture 56 M DNS 
107 Caroline Moskal Out To Pasture 16 F DNS 
108 Mike Russell Out To Pasture 30 M DNS 
110 Justin Turner Out To Pasture 20 M DNS 
Team : `Fast Times WV Medal Point Ave: 1.863 Team Rank : 6 *=used in calc 
Bib Name Team Age Sex Cl.Disc. Time H/C TmPts 
113 Ted Soper Fast Times WVHS 24 M 20.76 14.44 7.45* 
112 Sam Hayden Fast Times WVHS 21 M DNS 
81 Lisa Lacasse Fast Times WVHS 58 F DNS 
82 Joe Lacasse Fast Times WVHS 59 M S DNS 
94 Archie McGowan Fast Times WVHS 55 M DNS 
90 Mary Quinn Fast Times WVHS 55 M DNS 
83 Genny Soper Fast Times WVHS 57 F DNS 
84 Geoff W Soper Fast Times WVHS 58 M DNS 
Team : `BBC` Medal Point Ave: 1.530 Team Rank : 7 *=used in calc 
Bib Name Team Age Sex Cl.Disc. Time H/C TmPts 
12 Brad Benson BBC 61 M 26.51 47.44 3.73* 
116 Leslie Switzer BBC 54 F 30.55 69.91 1.39* 
115 Laureen Dorow BBC 53 F 38.49 112.18 1.00* 
103 Lori Fernandes BBC 50 F DNS 
10 Darrell FernandesBBC 51 M DNS 
11 Chip Roper BBC 50 M DNS 
88 Eric Simonson BBC 55 M DNS 
9 Steve Switzer BBC 54 M DNS 
111 Steve Weglarz BBC 60 M DNS 
Team : `Snowmen` Medal Point Ave: 1.440 Team Rank : 8 *=used in calc 
Bib Name Team Age Sex Cl.Disc. Time H/C TmPts 
31 Brian G Snow Snowmen 51 M 23.23 29.20 5.76* 
100 Alex Boal Snowmen 45 M DNS 
97 Charlotte G Snow Snowmen 9 F DNS 
18 James Sullivan Snowmen 36 M DNS 
101 Steve Taylor Snowmen 46 M DNS 
Official results and ranking at 3/10/2022 7:28:49 PM 
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